Author: Hendri Tanjung, Ph.D

A Member of Indonesia Waqf Board


Since 2021, the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI) has launched a cash waqf program with the address berkahwakaf.id. “Berkahwakaf.id is an online waqf fund raising site managed by the Indonesian Waqf Board for various national and international productive waqf projects.


The waqf program at berkahwakaf.id is divided into 5 major parts, namely: Cash waqf, health waqf, educational waqf, economic waqf and da’wah waqf. Examples of cash waqf include: BWI-IPB scholarship waqf, ASN Ministry of Religion with waqf and the National Movement for cash waqf; Examples of health waqf include: waqf for the construction of the Salman Hospital, waqf for mother and child clinics, and waqf for eye clinic cars for the poor. An example of an educational waqf is: a scholarship waqf for 1000 Muslim midwives and obstetricians. Examples of da’wah waqfs are waqfs for the renovation of inadequate mosques and waqfs for the construction of the Darul Ailya mosque in Lembang.


Why do we have to give waqf? Because waqf is a world savings/investment whose results are reaped in eternity (afterlife). while for old age alone, people save. Some save in Islamic banks, some buy sharia insurance, some save in gold, shares, and so on. Is it appropriate for eternal life in the afterlife not to save?


Once a companion of the Ansar asked Rasulullah SAW, “O Rasulullah, ayyul mu’miniina Afdhal? O Messenger of Allah, which believer is the most superior?” So the Messenger of Allah answered: “ahsanuhum Khuluqo, the person with the best morals”. Then Ansar’s companion asked again, “ayyul mu’miniina akyas? Which believer is the smartest?” The Prophet answered: “Qola, aktsaruhum lil mauti dzikro, the person who remembers death the most.” Because death will definitely come. Like it or not, willing or not, ready or not, death will definitely come to take us.


Wherever we run and go, death will come to us. Then the Prophet did not stop there, the Prophet said: “Wa ahsanuhum Lima ba’dahu isti’daadan, AND the best in preparing for death.” If there is an AND conjunction, then the meaning, both the statement before and after AND, must appear. In other words, it’s useless to think too much about death if you don’t prepare for it. “Ulaaikal Akyas, they are the smartest people.” Rasulullah closed his hadith narrated by Ibn Majah.


Let’s pay attention to why the Prophet said that people who remember death and prepare for death are called intelligent people. Let’s look at Surah Al An’am verse 32:


And the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion; but the home of the Hereafter is best for those who fear Allah , so will you not reason?


The end of the verse above is very interesting, because Allah challenges us to use our reason. In other words, Allah wants to admonish us why we don’t use reason to understand the life of this world? Don’t you use the logic that Allah gave you?


The most modern science of logic is mathematics. Ibn Khaldun said in his book Muqaddimah, Mathematics is a tool that must be used to understand the Qur’an.


Let’s use mathematics to answer why the hereafter is better than the world. Now, we count our age in the world. Rasulullah said in the hadith narrated by Tirmidhi:


عن أبيهريرةرضياللهتعالىعنهقالقالرسولاللهصلىاللهعليهوسلمأَعْمَارُأُمَّتِيمَابَيْنَالسِّتِّينَإلَىالسَّبْعِينَوَأَقَلُّهُمْمَنْيَجُوْزُذَلِكَ )رواه الترمذي

meaning: “The lifespan of my people is between 60 and 70 years, rarely more than that”.


Suppose we take the highest number, 70 years. Then, how long will you live in the afterlife? The answer is, eternal or infinite. This infinity in mathematics is called epsilon (∞).


70 years of life in this world, divided by infinite life in the afterlife, what is the result? Simple algebra cannot answer this. This can only be answered with the concept of limits in calculus. Lim xà∞, 70/x = 0. This means that the life of this world, compared with the life of the hereafter, is close to zero. Almost zero, which means nothing.


For just 70 years of world life, we are really trying to prepare for it. We save for old age. We prepare ourselves with knowledge, only for a life of 70 years. How to live eternally? How to live a life that has no end? Where are our preparations? So, when the Prophet said that an intelligent person is someone who remembers death a lot and prepares for it well, that is the answer we must prepare.


In another hadith, a hadith narrated by Muslim, the Prophet said which means: “When the child of Adam dies, all his deeds are cut off except for 3 things: Almsgiving (waqf), useful knowledge and pious children.” So, smart people must make waqf to prepare for their death.


Did all of the Prophet’s companions have waqf? The answer: Yes. In the book Al Mughni written by Ibnul Qudama, it is stated: “Ma baqiya ahadun min ashabi Rasulullah Shallallhu Alaihi Wasaallama lahu miqdarotun illa waqafa waqfan” means; none of the companions has the ability, unless he gives his waqf.


Let’s use logic and mathematics to understand this verse. In mathematics there is a syllogism rule. If A then B, and if B then C, and if C then D. The conclusion is: if A then D.


Let’s look at the existing premises:

  • Premise 1: Smart people are people who always remember death.
  • Premise 2: People who always remember death must prepare for death itself.
  • Premise 3: People who prepare for death must have waqf.


Using the syllogism rule, then:


Conclusion: Smart people must have waqf.


May we not realize that the waqf we give will definitely be compensated by Allah SWT. Allah says in the Qur’an Surah Saba verse 39:


Say, “Indeed, my Lord extends provision for whom He wills of His servants and restricts [it] for him. But whatever thing you spend [in His cause] – He will compensate it; and He is the best of providers.”


The end of the verse above is very amazing, because Allah will definitely repay whatever we give as waqf. The question is, does the payment have to be in rupiah? Apparently not! Instead, they could become smart children. Instead, you can have a peaceful heart in living your life. Instead, every time there is a problem, Allah provides a way out. Instead, a family that is calm, peaceful and full of love. Instead, pious friends. Instead, live in a good neighbourhood. Instead, a long ideological life, and so on.


Isn’t there a quantitative payment? There is! Allah says in Surah Al Baqarah verse 261:


The example of those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah is like a seed [of grain] which grows seven spikes; in each spike is a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies [His reward] for whom He wills. And Allah is all-Encompassing and Knowing.


Surah Al Baqarah verse 261 states that Allah will pay 700 times what we pay as waqf. Believers really believe in this verse. Because believing in Al-Qur’an is one of the pillars of faith. Therefore, from this pulpit, the preacher invites individuals and also the congregation, let us give waqf to extend our ideological life, before biological death comes to take us.


Let’s make waqf in the name of our parents who have passed away. From Abdullah bin Abbas R.A.: Sa’ad bin Ubadah asked Rasulullah SAW, “O Rasulullah, indeed my mother has died, while at that time I was beside her. Would it be beneficial if I gave alms in her name?” The Prophet replied, “Yes, it is useful”. Then Sa’ad said to the Prophet SAW: ” “Then, I testify to you that I gave this garden with abundant fruit, as waqf in her name” HR Bukhari No. 2756.


Let’s celebrate Eid this year smartly, namely by giving waqf.

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